What to Expect
On each day of the Workshop, all participants will play their instruments and enjoy seminars from the clinicians and guest speakers. Participants who have elected to conduct will do so during Full Band Conducting Sessions. Everyone will have the opportunity to conduct a small ensemble using selected excerpts.
Participants who have elected to conduct the full wind band will do so during designated sessions throughout the workshop. Each conducting opportunity will focus on repertoire chosen by the participant from the list available on the registration form. A more detailed schedule listing exact times for each participant during full wind band conducting sessions will be available at registration.
What to bring
Please bring your instrument any supplies that you require to keep your instrument in proper working order. All participants should also bring batons and related scores. Summers in Phoenix are hot, but the buildings are air-conditioned and can get chilly at times. We recommend that participants bring a sweater or jacket should they be cold. Please remember that participants are responsible for their own belongings while on campus. The NOPALES Conductors Workshop assumes no responsibility for theft or damage to personal property.